Some news
Oc a complete no brainer - level 4 is what were striving for.
This might have the added bonus of detracting from the 'modern' game as staff, even if it as small team, will be dedicated to the 07 server and might 'slow' down the continuous development (worsening) of the game.
the only reason why jagex are making this vote poll members only is because if they made it F2P as well there will be a lot of people constantly making multipul accounts, making them just to vote, and sometimes this can be done by bots making new bots accounts all using them to vote and woukd increase the numbers dramatically.
Waluigi should be added to runescape
@B0aty no, you've got the name for current RS so no one can make an account with that as a login name, and if name change is available then you should show up as B0aty in the new server, so you'd just have to make a video announcing that you have to use your login name. You should be fine