"07scape" should be a members right to try and introduce more paying members.
"07scape" should be free to members as they already pay
"07scape" should make funding by introducing more ad's
"07scape" should have no connection to the real game in terms of stats or trading.
"07scape" should be amazing if these guide lines are met
I would definitely come back to runescape with the old version. I really enjoyed Runescape before EOC came out. Although I did take some time off from the game due to my kids death, but I would be back each month if the OLD VERSION came back and that is a promise. I don't like EOC. Please put the OLD VERSION back.
ive lost all respect for jagex, im sorry but to give in to the crybabies who cant handle change is just a waste of any updates you've done or will do when you risk losing most of your players of the main server, just who will care about future updates when 2007 server will come back? not many players cause all they want is their precious 2006 - 2007 server..
people will go from being member on main server to being member on 2007 server.
good game. runescape will be dead in a few months at most. players cant say jagex are destroying the game with the updates when they themselves are no better.. in fact are WORSE. jagex are trying to make everyone happy but no.. all you guys can do is criticize them on every update they do..
I WILL NOT VOTE YES. i hope this gets enough votes to be $20 then we'll see if people think its worth it.