I come from a rich family who have a passion about this game for the community. Me and my brothers have agreed that, if we hit 500 000 votes, we shall EACH make 100 accounts, give them memberships and vote.
3 * 100 * 7.99 (or current price of memberships)
= 300 votes
=$2397 (CAD) to JaGeX.
For those saying "there aren't even 100k players anymore" you really think everyone plays at the same time? people these days have no common sense whatsoever. use your head. it will get you places.
Seriously, this is just amazing!! I don't imagine how anyone can still think negative about Jagex after an offer like this.. This is what so many players have been wanting for such a long time (including me) and this absolutely confirms (because everyone knows there have been doubts) Jagex's dedication to the game and the community! BIG UP TO YOU GUYS!! NOW EVERYONE GO VOTE THE 15th!! Haha
All of the people saying "Let us bring our current account over to the 2007 servers!!"
How dumb are you? You realize how easy it is to train/get money on the current server is, compared to the 2007 servers? It would completely ruin the experience.
with that being said, I do wish it was possible to restore our accounts from 2007, however, it's not as far as I know.
Wow, I was actually excited when my friend told me about the update. We have to pay like 20 dollars to start as a level 3? What a HUGE waste of time on our accounts right now. Seriously. 2007 is too early, at least 2009. I personally don't like the EOC and really wanted the old RS back, but if it's going like this NO THANKS. There's probably not even 750,000 legit member players.