But then again, it would remove all of the 'anti eoc' and 'anti nearly every other update Jagex makes' people from the game, which I guess would be a good thing.
i totally agree. actually if you were to be cynical you could say they would achieve just 50,000 and use the old servers to milk players for even more money.
i have to say eoc is one thing but if to not play eoc i have to pay $15 i will not be doing it. obviously if i knew runescape was going to turn out like this i wouldnt have ever played
"So, just like the poll for the return of the Wildy & Free Trade, which saw a jaw dropping 1.4 million votes , we will be running a similar poll and letting you - our valued members - decide the fate of ‘Old School RuneScape”, given that you directly fund the game's ongoing development and supporting services."
Similar poll, but folowed ** this:
"If you are against the idea, then you should - naturally - abstain from voting."
Ergo, you will only have raw numbres, not percentages. This doesn't mean anything, way to go Jagex! BTW nice lure to get subscribes higher, as of course F2Pers have no opinion.
I'm actually glad I'm F2P, as I'm against it anyway.
~ There must be Tranquillity and Conflict, Liberty and Control, Order and Chaos, Collectivity and Individuality, there must be... Balance! ~
Already told a few of my friends who quit RS about this, they will be returning to vote and hopefully to play! I hope this all goes smoothly, you guys are doing a great thing here.