Hello and thank you for bringing this update possibility into fruition. Being a member for over a year now and buying the gold premier membership, plus having an active account for almost 7 years, I have a couple things to say about the way the polling is set out. The expectation for 500k-750k+ members to vote in favor of the old 2007 servers is almost asking for too much in my opinion. There is a certain drawback due to Jagex asking for an extra membership fee on top of the existing membership price. If we can only get around 230k, the interest for buying membership will go down due to the fact that it is fifteen dollars extra. The general populace is 16 to 24 years old. This bump in price will turn away this young crowd. If by any chance we hit 250k votes, majority of the next votes will come from bots(cliche topic). We cannot depend on trial and bot members due to the fact that they have not experienced the joy of pre-eoc ect. and the fact they are almost always AFK. Along these lines, majority of the members came after the 2007 era, so why would they want to have anything to do with this reversal update. This could possibly be a huge loss in profit for Jagex and a stain on the loyal customers that they supposedly hold so dear. Instead of committing yourself to this membership suicide I suggest two options: No membership hike because you were already going to do it for free if there was the gross surplus of votes "or" nullify this entire update because of the lack of support it need. Do not blow your entire kingdom over, this can be made livable.
With best regards,
19-Feb-2013 10:16:48