Hiscores has 1.8m members listed, but a lot of those are on 2-week free memberships. Over a million of those are minimal level with 1154 xp. Those million accounts were created but never used except as adbots.
That leaves 790k members with more than minimal level. They each got at least 1 xp after creation.
Many of those are 2-week member bots doing low-level botting, like mining pure essence.
Many of them are players who discontinued membership but their accounts continue to be listed on hiscores.
Many of the are long-time goldfarmer bots that don't vote.
That leaves roughly 500,000 paying human members.
Many of those aren't interested in playing 2007 RuneScape.
Level 4 - 750,000 or more votes: impossible
Level 3 - 500,000 or more votes: not going to happen
Level 2 - 250,000 or more votes: could happen
Level 1 - 50,000 or more votes: there certainly will be more than that
14-Feb-2013 08:23:14