This should be a seperate service on it's own. We shouldn't have to pay for the one service to get access to another service. They should be completely seperate payments.
I wouldn't care if it was anywhere between $5.00 and $15.00, but I only want to pay for 2007 RuneScape, not both. Why should we pay for a service we have no intentions on playing, if we wanted to play ****, then we'd pay for both.
It'd be like if you bought an internet service for $39.99 and only had intentions of using the internet, but before you can pay for just the internet. You are told you must pay for the $79.99 cable service first. You are more than welcome to only pay for cable service, but if you want internet service you must pay for cable service first. Why should this person pay for cable when they have no intentions of watching television. This requirement should be removed as it has no real reason behind it to stay implemented.
I will not make this account a member to vote. Until I see this change implemented. This is how I stand regardless of what anyone think's. Money isn't the issue, it's how they aren't implementing this correctly.
19-Feb-2013 12:36:16