The moment you allow stats and bank transfers is the moment you let gamblers into the RS07 servers.
They will not be gambling when the game launches if reset because they will have no gold to gamble with, no flowers, no trust.
Unless of course they're going to be gambling for 500gp or iron pickaxes.
i feel ya bro... but you have already done those quests so you can get there again sorry it's an inconvience man but this is our chance to play non EoC runescape on an official runescape server is just good enough for me
I saw on the first page that you want suggestions for introducing rare items. So yeah.
-Do not make new rare items. Us RS players don't like changes like that.
-If you do introduce them, make it an event, holiday if you want to.
-If you can distribute them without an event in a fair way, then do so.
i guess i can't say they don't have it saved but we also can't say they do now can we? gambling might happen but if we have plenty of Vets. and make gambling a ban-able offense then we might be able to curb gambling ourselves.
They should distribute the rares to the first players to achieve certain goals in the game.
Such as the first players to achieve 99s should receive them or something of the like.
Probably not the best idea, but it's a way to put them in.
What if they let us choose a rare when we first log on and have it IP bound? meaning that only one internet connection would be able to obtain a rare each. that was just a suggestion i've heard.
personally i can live without them but idc what becomes of them
I could also live without them.
I prefer skillcape hoods anyway and I'm sure I'll obtain my skillcapes again.
Magic is going to be the biggest pain, but I'll get by.