why does everyone have to start fresh? i think you would bring back a larger group of players if we were able to use the stats we have now. instead of making everyone start fresh agian.
i have no problems with them updating 2007 as long as it has no microtransactions as that is what caused me to cancel my membership in the first place i cantstand playimng games that have microtransactions unless they are opensource like tf2 where you can just mod yourself the items you want.
and rhxsyn im personally looking forward to the fresh restart and wondering who will be the next suomi or of its time the next zezima.
Fresh start will not happen, gold farmers will make sure of it, until jagex can stop it, then 2007 will be just as messed as ne other yr of R.S. Maybe a Jagex staff can answer these questions or just someone in general.
1. Why did Jagex pull the random's from the game in the first place. Was it to help
botters and afk-ers?
2. Why is there so many safe spots now? Was it to help gold farmers and afk-ers.