If you want us to become members just to vote dont say that we only have a chance to get the server back why would i need to campaign your decision? If you want me to subscribe make the server official.
The vote is already up to 133k at this moment. So the 2007 servers are definately coming back. However as it is only at Level 1, It will be left as it is and only have critical repairs made to it.
Yes we can dream of it, but look at R.S now, bots/scammers and gamblers are the ones killing it. And they will do so in 2007, they will own the high scores list.
This is what jagex is getting at "I'm not playing unless the server is official" So wheres the money coming from to put this server up hm? Members in the first place.
There is talk that they will implement their new bot fighting technology into the 07 scape. Whether it will be effective or not, who knows just yet. However it may help. Guess we will just have to wait and see
Well then it looks like it won't get past level 1 will it? The fact of the matter is runescape members at this current time are paying for the game and it's whole including this update, so unless you fork out money, it's still up to us.