"2007 servers sounds good
however if there is a *ost i am gonna stick with the current rs
you get enough money out of us already"
Exactly. The tiers are WAY too high. Do you have any idea how many players will play the first month for free and not play again because of an extra membership fee? You have the main server memberships, the SoF scam of buying spins money, Solomens general store scam for money, and now your trying to get even MORE money by luring players back into a private 2007 runescape server that you pay $15 a month for?
$15 a month for 2007, plus $5 a month for the main game, that's $20 a month JUST to play runescape. Are you guys really that pathetic? Do you realize that's $240 a year? Like I said, you are going to lose so many players with the membership costs. No one will pay $240 a year - $20 every single month - to play a video game. We are in a recession in REAL life, we're not multi millionaires like you.
Xbox Live is $49 a YEAR, and do you have any idea how many people are sighed up for it? Learn from it. I can now buy 5 constant memberships to Xbox live yearly for the cost of playing runescape.
16-Feb-2013 20:26:22