It is clear they do not want us to reach the higher goals, which they certainly could if the poll were crafted differently. While it is clear that your paying membership base's votes are the most important, because they are actually paying already, a large margin of players would genuinely be interested in this but have since stopped playing/paying. I personally am not going to purchase a vote for something that has no sure chance of coming back for prices that I'm willing to pay, and I'm sure I am not the only player that feels this way.
I also understand that you do not want this available to all f2p players to vote, since anyone could make an account to vote on. However, seeing as there is a level requirement to post on forums, I'm sure it is not beyond your company's expertise to implement some sort of restrictions on the types of f2p players who can vote (accounts that have a certain total level, have been around for X amount of years, etc.). The point I'm trying to make is that many people who are interested won't have a voice in it, and the interest in this will be massively under-represented.
In my personal opinion, if this vote doesn't reach the amounts of votes required to implement it under standard membership rates, the project will be doomed to fail as I can't see many people wanting to pay the additional costs for an extended amount of time.
Just my two cents.
16-Feb-2013 20:03:30