Even if you don’t want this update you have, we need 750,000 votes and here’s why!
There’s a large non member player base that want this update. Since non members can’t vote we need the help of all the members to participate in this poll.
There’s 3 key points mentioned in the main post that need 750,000 votes in order to be made possible in their fullest.
1. The ability for FREE members to play without any membership requirements. This means just like how FREE world is now, this will be made available. Imagine the 100,000’s of people that’ll over time be able to play this because YOU participated in this poll.
2. Dedicated development team, without this the game won’t receive the required maintenance to keep going. With the proper development team we can receive adequate updates. The game had just enough needed in its current state, then they went and add way to much content. We aren’t looking to revamp the entire game, it was perfectly fine. Any updates we’d like would only need to involve using the currently available resources and making either new mini-games or extending current quests.
3. Playable Servers. Without enough demand in the beginning not enough servers will be supplied right away, let alone any desire to increase them. We need to start strong if we are to ever continue strong.
Please just VOTE you’ll be helping a large player base that simple can’t vote on your own. Think of it like this, this game will have so many ways to make insane amounts of money, you might think of it like wasting your time, but it’s not you’re are getting a second chance to build your account effectively. If you played during this time period then think about all the memories and how those who really want this update must be feeling. The votes are lowering fast and we aren't receiving enough to reach this 750K mark anymore. So please vote it’ll be very much appreciated!
16-Feb-2013 19:53:13
- Last edited on
16-Feb-2013 19:56:06