Old player here, started around ~2005
Although it's sad too see Jagex only do these things when it's obvious they know they will get more profit (I.E removal of trade restrictions)
Runescape is a very memorable part of my childhood and it's very emotional hearing this is a possibility
I haven't been a member for quite awhile and haven't even logged in for a year+
I heard about this from a separate site and didn't believe it, Jagex you would be foolish to not implement this. I can guarantee my subscription will be renewed if you make this happen.
You fixed your terrible mistake that was the trade limit, now fix your worst, bloating the game with terrible (in my opinion) weapons and skills and bring back that perfect RPG I played throughout my childhood.
With correct support and suppression of bots, this could be the greatest thing you guys will ever do. I wish you guys luck in your future endeavor and vow if this happens I will re-subscribe.
14-Feb-2013 06:41:06