In my humble opinion....we were set up for a fall. The bar was set too high and Jagex knew this.
We will get 07 back but at a cost, this was planned. They knew ..
a) The number of TRUE players is far below that of the number of memberships.
b) Many of those that left for whatever reason would probably not pay to vote.
c) The free to play do not contribute to the running costs of the game and would be very unlikely to pay to vote either, as they do not wish to pay to play the full game anyway.
I do agree that the vote should be for members only. I dont agree with the amount of votes needed.
I played in 07 on another account (which due to my stupidity,was hacked) This account has been my baby..i got my 99 fishing for a second time, along with many more. I would give this up today to play the game i knew and loved.
Too many updates that i didnt agree with, the eoc was a killer. Tried it, dont get on with it.
Too easy to level now with all the free xp. The challenge has gone.
My membership is renewed monthly..I will let it run another month and see how things pan out. I honestly dont think there will be enough votes to get to 500k which is ,for me, the best option. With money so tight for many people ,paying out more per month isnt an option.
Given a choice, i would rather pay to go on a 07 server only, than stay on this one.
16-Feb-2013 18:11:31