"Only members can vote, WTF???!"
How hard is this to understand? Jagex is a BUSINESS, just like EVERY other company in the world. This means any changes to a part of the company that are publicly decided via a vote have to be carried out under CONTROLLED conditions. If free players were able to vote, i could go ahead and create 20 new accounts and vote in favour of 2007 Runescape, ultimately rigging the pole. Then when the votes are counted and there are allegedly 1.5 million votes in favour of 07 Scape Jagex have to accommodate for this amount of players potentially playing on the 07 server. When it turns out infact that there were only 500,000 legitimate votes and the rest were duplicate accounts, Jagex cannot support the new servers due to their being not enough paying players. Jagex is a BUSINESS and any change they make to the game has to have a big enough base for funding. HOW HARD IS THIS TO UNDERSTAND.
I am not pro EoC. I absolutely hate it i can't wait for 07 Runescape to return. I have waiting for this happen for the past few years now, so please, stop complaining about how the vote is unfair. Yes, it may seem unfair, i myself cannot vote because i cancelled my membership when the EoC came out, and i aren't reinstating it until the 2007 servers are online and running, but you have to look at this from the perspective of Jagex.
16-Feb-2013 10:08:08