Mod Mark is probly just scamming us all they probly would of brought back some old school servers in the first place even without this voting poll scam but hey why not make a few $$$$ before they do and make a huge deal about a voting poll to bring in extra $$$. think about it its pure genius. actually if you think about its its more like common cent****;---(((
Doubt it. It's a poll to see how many people support the decision. Displaying it on the main page is to spread the word so everyone is aware of what's happening. Yes they're making money off it, but I think you're taking it a little too far. You seem a little paranoid to me and I don't think their motive is to "scam" as many people as they can to generate more revenue. They know a lot of players really enjoyed the old game and are finally offering us a choice (so long as there's enough support from the player base to make it a worthwhile investment).
16-Feb-2013 06:35:25