Dear any mod that reads this, why not just reset runescape to how you had it before EOC came out and have two separte servers like you did with BETA that would work out for everyone and then people would not have to start over or regain their gold that they worked hard for like myself. Some people like myself cannot re-train there accounts up due to the their responisbiltes in life now. I have school, work, and have to volunteer now, which when I started playing runescape I didnt have any of that. I believe you could make two separte servers pre-EOC just like when you had BETA and that would solve all the problems. Just reset Old runescape for about 6 weeks previous of EOC and the whole game would be back and you would then be able to generate revenue from both old scapers and new scapers alike. I will say this though, some old scapers will not come back due to the way the game is now. It is very hard to get everything leveled up in the game if you have priorties. I miss being able to hop on scape and go briding or edge pking. I do belive you have the power to have two separte servers Old runescape and EOC like when you had BETA that would be the best thing you could do for revenue and to keep everyone happy. If you even take a look and consider this that would be wonderful seeing as this is a full proof solution to the events that have happened on scape. Thank you, Bormar194.
15-Feb-2013 18:15:44