1.) People only want 2007scape for the now non-existent community
False. If everyone takes their nostalgia glasses off for a second and takes an objective look back on RuneScape as it was in 2007, the community was more or less the same as it is now. Albeit, there was less gambling. However, scammers were just as prevalent and botting was out of control. The real sense of community came from w1 Varrock west bank and w2 fally park, which would both be necessities in a RuneScape without the Grand Exchange.
2.) No one is going to want to start over from level 3
I couldn't see it working any other way. Having the economy being 100% controlled by the work the players put in from the start of the server would make for a balanced experience. If we were able to import saves, the economy would be all sorts of messed up. It would be an unfair advantage to us players who played during the August 10th, 2007 backup. A clean slate for everyone would be for the best. Personally, I think it's exciting that everyone starts over. WE get to define the economy, not the players accumulating gold and supplies since 2001.
3.) It will be dead content within a month, people will realize how long it takes to level up and go back to normal RuneScape
This is exactly the reason some of us WANT 2007scape. Some of us want to have a challenge and not have everything handed to us. Newer content updates have taken away the sense of accomplishment and forced an "afk everything" mentality into players. Sure, it wasn't the most engaging thing clicking your tinderbox and a log every time you wanted to train firemaking, but at least it forced everyone to pay attention to the game and not treat it as if it was some multi-taskable chore.
4.) Everyone will play a pure
All the more reason to be a main and run into them at Mage Bank
15-Feb-2013 17:23:29