I played from 2005-2009 and there is no way i will give anymore money ever again to jagex. They aren't "listening" to the players, they are only doing this for money, they are desperate and its sad.
I miss the old days but it will never be the same with the way the game has been ruined by jagex.
Good luck with the votes but i'm not falling for their tricks.
well today I tuned into rs for the first time since a month after eoc... I hope you guys can somehow advertise this in social media I know for a fact your players will come back until then best of luck
i was against starting from scratch at first,i have years invested in this acct(05btw)but after careful thought i agree its the best option,economy will form itself and not be ruined by maxed players who will horde rares and manipulate the price of things.this way at day 1 you are as rich as everyone else.
I Havent played since about 08 around when wildy was taken away and when they put the G.E. in... i hated The G.E. cuz there was no face to face trading or haggling which made wealing and dealing all the better. The E.o.C i havent really messed with because i just jumped back in to RS a few weeks ago but i liked the old combat style the best and hopefully this goes thru and we get all the votes we need for all of us old runescape fans
15-Feb-2013 06:06:22
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15-Feb-2013 06:08:12
Get Broke
This reminds of the fourms back when RuneScape 3d came out.. O well.. I believe RuneScape is done. The only reason why I havent given up on the game is becasue my childhood is in it. Thats why if I didnt get this account back I probaly wouldnt be on right now. And thats why Im not play the 07 version because im not starting over again.
Old rs>New rs. but honestly this whole thing is just a scam for money. theyll make money off the people paying for member ship only to vote then turn around and pay another membership fee on a different sever. everything rs does evolves around money, the whole eoc was a bust so basically they're trying to make some money back with this update. honestly i think the membership fee should be lowered after a few months just because its less graphics and its already programed, all you have to do is maintain it. no way it should cost more than this new bs runescape. because its more simple graphics so it should be cheaper/easy to maintain. not like youre going to pour money into it with updates or anything...it is going to stay the same...