Should make it free to vote as well...... I bought membership because I heard about this on the grape vine but not everyone is in the same position as me. I mean there's 76,000 players online atm... They're asking high numbers considering that.
It's only taken 7 Years ... 7 ******* LONG YEARS!!!!! (excuse my language) for you to realise the TWO biggest mistakes you bunch of ex-idiots(till this thread) to realise how much you ruined this game.
I will literally make 7.5 million new accounts and take out bank loans to make 100% sure this goes ahead and then migrate to mexico after a legal name changes or two in different countries to never repay the loan. Anyway - Moving on.....
I will literally give anyone in Jagex my gentlemans sausage to show my appreciation of this update.
I'm sure all if not most of you have been begging for this chance since eoc came into the game. I really hope you guys don't let 7 dollars stand in your way now and besides.. Mod mmg said those who vote will get the first membership on the 2007 servers for free so think of it as buying membership early. Everybody needs to come together and vote. Don't think your 1 vote won't make a diffierence. Every vote is 1 step closer and 500k+ is what we really need to aim for at the least because it's a free service at that point (with main runescape membership) EVERYONE REPASTE THIS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a few 99s and decent stats, have been playing on and off since February 2003, and I am very glad to have a fresh start. It is worth it, and will be fun in many ways.