Another dog and pony show. The parameters set for the poll are unattainable without the votes of the many thousands who have stopped their subscriptions over the past 6 years. Jagex knows that and thinks we are all stupid enough to fall for their manipulations.
Pay them for the chance to VOTE? Then pay them more for a chance to play an un-updated bot/gold farmer filled game? Their arrogance overwhelms their sense.
Don't get me wrong i'l love the servers but a big but
i find it pathetic how its
1.Two different economy is not shared so its like 2 different games??
2.The way you could have done this better is make Pking situations 3 hit style combat
3.There Will be no G.E
4.The graphics will be poor
P.v.m for the EOC due to i love the EOC but hate it in Pking situations and all Pkers will agree with me
I do agree with change but not when change happens and you notice it to be bad you expect to change again to make it for the good
making 2 separate servers is shocking and i did vote for it back because i will play it for Pking
but you need to realize we don't want the short straw and be the off cuts of this community we want to be the same yet you don't understand this??
one server 2 combat systems??? or one server eoc/3hit worlds???
godswords/claws/nex gear and many more will rise
if anything we want party hats in this new 07 hows that going to happen explain????
You're an idiot, by voting you're not obligating yourself to anything, all you're doing is making it one vote closer to cheaper, or FREE 2007 servers. You say "not paying for nostalgia" , a vote doesn't cost anything and it just makes it more likely that you wouldn't have to pay for nostalgia...
How the hell do they expect to reach 750k votes from 750k MEMBERS, at any one time there are 40k - 90k people online, double it for people who have subscriptions but aren't online and you have no where near 750k MEMBERS.
I have to pay to vote?
When has there ever been 750k members?
15-Feb-2013 16:00:46
- Last edited on
15-Feb-2013 16:01:42