for me, my biggest issue isnt bots, as i barely see them as i've learned there's now no money to be made for legit players at any magic tree spot, or grottworms, or dragons... for me its gamblers... all day every day, on every world, so much people doing stupid flower games or seal games... this could be easily fixed by having the flowers only shown to those who plant them, OR just by having the flowers come out at a predictable way. and the seal game, rather than random numbers, have it go through a list, 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 .... and so on for the numbers (similar to how the flowers can be made pradictable, such as all blue always comes after a rainbow... all red always comes after a blue and so on) so it completely ruines the 50/50 chance of gambling for them... or just by removing mithril seeds and having individual flower colour seeds baught from miscelencia shops...
for me, gamblers and such ruin the fun of runescape. people who make wealth by scamming others... its a really bad way to play runescape (if u can call standing at the Ge shouting h/c x2!!!!!! - im legit pl0x!?!?!!111 playing runescape) ... and for the bots, i report every bot i come across... such bot who i've brough up before - 7 months now at avanise... 89m range xp made on world 86 every day all day... nothing ever seems to happen to them! even when a mass group of 10 of us reported this blatent bot, he's still there, world 86 at avanise in gwd botting away... must have farmed well over 100m+ in adamant bars... and silentc0re did a video where he calculated over 100k+ dragon bones are currently brought into runescape every hour... that's well over 100m in gold made by goldfarmers every hour! it's just sad to see the a large portion of the non botting community either gamble, or just scam constantly. as people who lose their money to scammers / gamblers in turn go and buy runescape gold... these two problems come hand in hand.
23-Jan-2013 15:53:01