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Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
player vs monster: this is odd to me as with eoc i saw how you made it better and easier for players to earn gp and stuff. lets look at gwd most bosses are easy soloable with the right gear and wud require you to just ss and not use any food wat so ever but the drops arent as common preoc where i cud go atleast 1-3 trips and get a drop or even 2-3. this is good for the lower levels and is actually nice. my thing is lets look at nex and kalphite king when it comes to pvm i dont mind the buffs what i do mind is hidden updates to this because us pvmers dont know what is a glitch and what isnt, kk has about 3 glitches that theirs no answer too like the green aura it seems will attack any1 if the person dies before kk can hit them the next person takes the hit that seems unfair since the person its focused on actually died due to whichever circumstances.

god wars dungeon: this is fairly old content and i may ask wheres the new god wars dungeon or the newest toughest dungeon in rs where items dont let monsters stop attacking you i felt like you took the fun out of the game since risking items isnt even that much possible now im happy the new dungeon is the new gwd dungeon the way it is for lower levels but i think high lvl players require a new 1 also.

DROP TABLE: this is my main problem also, the drop table shud be upgrades to such a state where not every boss drop herbs and follow the same table as lower level bosses. for example you said the new kalphite queen will drop better drops than the old one this is "slightly" true but its not worth it to kill the new kalphite queen or even the old one. as for the ring of wealth theirs alot of things u can due to improve it as for drop table wise.

talking to the plays: my thing jagex gave credit where its due you dont like private servers ripping off your idea of this great game called rs so when you get idea from players just gave credit where its due it will up your player love for the company. also contacting a player

25-Jan-2013 02:54:02

May Member 2009


Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ Foxy Grampa1 - well no doubt with new management a wind of change could occur. To me it seems so simple, give us a few servers to test the water. Then commit yourself MMG to fixing what you ruined. Also I have seen your reference and appreciate the work put into making sense of madness.

25-Jan-2013 02:55:11



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
TALKING TO THE PLAYERS: my thing jagex gave credit where its due you dont like private servers ripping off your idea of this great game called rs so when you get idea from players just gave credit where its due it will up your player love for the company. ive sent a private message to you before item lending was introduce into rs and the respond was to talk about this on the forums sure it may be out mine and i may or may not be the 1st to tell you about this whichever the case is if you get an idea from a player and would like to work with them to bring their idea into the game then do it u may also ask the player if he would his name to be published or not or untill however long it takes so players dont ask him alot of questions etc as for the updates for 2013 im looking forward to all of them especially the god content update. AND PLEASE JAGEX I MEAN PLASE DONT M.E.S.S THIS UP. :P hope u say my posts and understand where im coming from

25-Jan-2013 02:58:42

A Pilferer

A Pilferer

Posts: 30 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This game is far from being rectified from a small damage control thread Mark. The only way I see Runescape having a future would be if you split this EoC game and Runescape up.

Normal Runescape as one game,
And the EoC, SoF, micromarketing, p2p only hiscores - joke of a game is another game.

That way you can have 200k players on the real game and 50k players that like the EoC version of it.

Also, if you're thinking that people will start to like EoC over time, you're wrong. There are too many other games with that style of combat. I have played EoC a lot and the more I play it the more I realise how similar it is to your competitors.

I have never seen such anarchy within a business caused by one man.

25-Jan-2013 03:10:35

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25-Jan-2013 03:20:27



Posts: 2,869 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If there was a like button, I'd click it a million times!
I'm very much looking forward to what the New Year has to offer :)
I think it's awesome that you can make a post like this, admitting that some things could've been done differently. I think a lot of people owe some serious apologies for how they've approached game updates. :| People who don't appreciate this post just leave me speechless. :s

Thanks for being awesome Jagex, cheers to the New Year!

25-Jan-2013 03:30:40

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25-Jan-2013 03:35:00



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod MMG I would like to propose something,

EOC- it was a big change and many players stopped playing Runescape because they enjoyed the old combat system.

I'm willing to Pay an amount of money to see that there are worlds that you can use the old combat system.

It would attract many more players back as free trade did when that returned.
Sure keep the "EOC" but let there be a balance of worlds where you can play the old Runescape that everyone loves.

I believe you haven't tried this yet because, your polls on the "EOC" are incorrect,
and if this is the case then you would have people in old combat system worlds and not many people in the "EOC" worlds.

Just some ideas, I know me and over 100,000 would return to runescape, and buy memberships again. 100,000x11.99 =( if thats how much a membership costs) enough money to progress the game with better ways.

25-Jan-2013 03:48:07

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