For the people saying to make non eoc worlds... That's not a good idea.. how many would they make 10 or so? You would have 50k-100k people trying to get into 10 worlds only allowed to hold 20k. I say just remove eoc completely and runescape will instantly get 10x better. The game is obviously declining. Look at a graph. This thread became 300 pages of "Please remove eoc we don't like it" Even if the eoc was a great idea... its full of bugs and glitches. You can put a dark beast and a chicken next to eachother and the kill speed is basically the same... and that goes for basically every monster besides high level bosses. Even those are a joke. Way too easy. People out there were duoing nex with no food.. for example. Armor doesn't even work.. I was in full bandos getting hit 7/10 times and even 9/10 times (on an abyssal demon and hell hounds). I took my armor off and was basically the same as wearing it. I've played this game since I was 12.. I'm 22 now and have a comp cape. This game has never been worse than it is right now. That's sad to say. I only still play because I don't want all my hard work to just be thrown away. I try to stay away from combat now which sucks because it was always the best part of runescape.
29-Jan-2013 22:34:57
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29-Jan-2013 22:44:28
Evil Cheese
you make a sof/sgs update every other day. tho there has been a petition around for 2 days now, only 4 days after you said u would listen more to the player, i haven't seen 1 post on the home page, not even a jmod in the forums that shared his opinion on that matter. is it that hard to say something about the already 18k and counting people that ask for a specific game change?
We Want Our Advanture Back
We Want Our Old Combat System Back
Don't just listen to yourself's the commuity want a change.
if you want my money and their's i decide i change.
I hope this is a new year for RS, ive been playing for about (or almost) 5 years and ive seen it going through lots of downs lately, one of the biggest impacts that i saw was the reduction in people playing, it was normal to see over 200,000 players in one game sitting, but now you can barely get close to 100,000. I really hope this year becomes a game changer
this is a snowballing effect of 300+ plus pages of 'remove the eoc', give the existing fanbase what they want, remove the eoc or create two servers of pre-eoc and eoc, you can't ignore the inevitable, because if you do your fanbase will start declining ... oh wait it is!
Hey mmg start by listening to what the players want? It'll do you guys the world of good. All these incentives to bring in new players are really affecting all the old school veterans and generally maxed players like myself, being loyal to your longest serving players is better than just maximising profits at any cost. Jagex need a lesson in how to run a game succesfully imo as it doesnt seem to be going that smoothly since eoc and micros entered runescape
Im also not saying jagex dont need to attract new players, every game company should do that, but the way you guys are going about it is totally wrong and not in the spirit of runescape and to be quite honest it IS destroying the game at an alarming rate. And the fact you are oblivious to it is just amazing. Many players stated when the combat beta was released that they didnt like it and would prefer runescape to stay as it was, and maybe just have a re-balanced combat triangle. Since eoc a hell of a lof of players have quit, possibly a huge number of veterans and i dont see too many new players subscribing. Surely that should send the message that eoc is not the right path for runescape to take? Please listen to us
On a journey to become the true master of ice. 22/42 ice dyes
29-Jan-2013 22:54:42
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29-Jan-2013 22:56:33
Ice Dye Andy
Saw your message, whats are your thought jagex? about how so much of the community is gone playing private servers because of the EOC, dont get me wrong this is not meant for like a hate message personally im KINDA getting used to it the EOC and slowy enjoying it, it's like a brand new game. but the other half is missing just smacking pkers with swords and i 100% miss with all my soul special attack. Is made the weapon unique because of its special and now its gone ...kinda feels like theres no special thing about each weapon. Personally i think the eoc was kinda of a gamble you either like or dont like it. My opinion so far is im not on the boat with liking it i just miss the old runescape if we wanted a game with the abilties we would go play that game i feel like runescape was good for its combat, skilling and pking and i think changes should maybe be made if you want the people from the private servers to come play the game you made back. but so far for me its not that bad
jagex i hope you open up your dang eyes and look at the 302 forum posts that has been made EOC SUCKS BALLS!!!!!!! its clear if we wanted a mmo that has abilties we would go play them. runescape was unique for its combat and pking! this game has been suckier and suckier and i miss 2011 -2006 tbh 2011 was perfect,and 2006 both of those ages of runescape have been amazing!!! but now really? the armor and pking and combat none of them have a vibe anymore! if you want all of there players to return GID RID OF THE DAG GON EOC IT SUCKS ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!