clan customizable armour, and or trim for armour already in game. resource contribution, clan bank account, clan designated treasure. aswell as clan payroll.. tithings as it were cld be payed out each week for those that contribute to resources outside of citadel. so beginner members can have armour provided by the clan, based on their levels. aswell as a few benefits for those that found the clan, similair to those on that u receive from kingdom of miscellania. customiziable clan founder armour. other ideas such as clan structure , such as squad specific to main ability. aka warrior, mage, or ranger, or even skiller. clan contributions such as ore, for armour and weapons for warriors.. supplies for fletching for ranggers, and runes and supplies for mages. and skillers can miscelanious. i think these are really good ideas, and shld be considered.
these ideas are those of myself.. boltz_37 and darkth_spook
28-Jan-2013 06:49:26