Since you've asked for our feedback, here's mine. A lot of people, myself included, are not now nor ever will be pk'ers. However, we do like to charge orbs and do slayer tasks. This being said, why must we have to contend with pk'ers to do our game? Can't you put some of this in a "safe" zone? I've turned down slayer tasks that in the past I enjoyed doing, simply because I do not want to deal with the wildy and it's pk'ers waiting at key points to kill you as you tele in or cross the wall. Orb charging in the past was a great way to make money and also to gain xp, no more due to the change in the wildy. Please level the playing field. I know you put it to a vote, but we had to vote for the wildy in order to get free trade, you never gave us a chance to vote on these individually. Quit making all the changes for the kids, we adults enjoy playing also. While I'm on the subject, I understand we have a chat filter, but it's annoying since we lose content that is not profanity just to lose the filthy language. I've been cursed, called filthy names, the gambit. And for no reason other than the kids on here think it's fun to do it. Can't we go back to the non-profanity game we used to have? Summer is coming on and it will be horrible to try to play with the filthy language coming with it. I know this is long, but I wanted to get it all in. Thanks and I hope you will consider the other half of the gamers in future updates.
24-Jan-2013 00:42:49