As an avid lover of the game we all enjoy and love, I feel it is my duty as a Scaper to point out, Jagex = creative use of feedback. We've seen it everywhere, the need for an unsoloable boss (The new release kalphite king and new queen were sufficient, even though the drops are as profitabel as corp's, barely any profit to be more specific.), the armor sets effects to boost nex prices and stablize the economy (fix gwd armor plox! full set gets damage bonus not just the plate!) and graced us with constant and refreshing updates. I have one and only one problem, the dwarf multicannon went from the fist of a boss, to the crutch of a noob, it is unbeleivible how weak and useless it became, make it better, make it go everywere! Kbd, Qbd, KK,KQ,Corp and countless others need it for quicker kills, and corp was meant to be soloed by the elite members of the community, as a symbol of what everyone can achive through hard work, saving, and hard-core questing. I have tried many times to solo corp in the beta, and the eoc, it hasnt worked AT ALL, I die 1/3 the way throught the kill, but once i got dreadnip I died at the cores spawn, then thought a cannon would get me a whole kill, it didnt even hit once. Furthermore, kbd takes forever to kill without two hand weapons such as veracs or dharoks, you nerfed whips too much its chaotics or barrows, not whip+dfs like the old days. get whip damage to 900 and make chaotics better, its what they are! the ultimate weapons for player with all the $ in the world!
24-Jan-2013 01:02:36