
What's Coming & What's Going

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Otis Milburn
Nov Member 2023

Otis Milburn

Posts: 758 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Old ones gone, but new ones will come"

We lost friends who have been enjoying the game for years but new ones will be always there for us.

Same with EoC.

It's hard to adapt at first because of all those new abilities, changes in prices and a lot more but why do we have to complain?

Jagex does their stuff to make the game better although you don't expect everyone to agree and fully embrace the changes.

Think about it**** has been with some of us for a long time and we loved the game. Just like us, the game grows with it us.

I thank the Developers and people in charge who are struggling to make the game better and more enjoyable. I know not everything that you make is perfect but what's important is the will to fix these problems and formulate solutions for them*

** just keeps on getting better and better. =)

24-Jan-2013 00:51:43

Thee Ace
Apr Member 2006

Thee Ace

Posts: 3,872 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All eyes are now watching the updates and the list for completion. This would be huge if the list is truly complete in the right manor.

Praying for :

No more stand in 1 spot and afk xp in the new skills.

Fixes are done to support a positive community rather then allowing the negative to continue.


Hoping that more P-mods do get recruited and do not become afraid to speak out in public. The knowledgeable and positive thinking players being noticed will make a great addition to the community.

Hoping that the P-mod do get more tools to help them succeed in making a difference in many different areas concerning the game.

In a final note
> Keep up the work on re-balancing the Eoc system. I for one have been asking for this kind of update for it seems like forever. Maybe I will start combating more once the balance is shaped correctly. As I do not like to take advantage of the unbalanced state it has been in , which many have , and still is.

Always loyal and here to stay,

Thee Ace

24-Jan-2013 00:54:01



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@mod mmg Dear MMG,I speak for the community, Future of Rs, and any hope there is left.I speak on Behalf of Pure's, Pking, and Freindship.I know this will just be ignored but if it isn't then no actions will be taken.But if you are true to your word then you will listen and Reply.I remeber when there was a steady 120k people online now there is only 80k online.Many people disargree with the release of EOC and many agree. All @@@(WE)@@@ ask of you is to listen to speak out. All WE would like and plead for is a poll.A simple poll Do you agree with EOC(Evolution of combat)() yes() noI know you might think every one likes it jagex but those are your opinions and not the comunity'sFarewell from a pure with no homeSincerly*** pot rice (now timsterz)

24-Jan-2013 00:56:34



Posts: 190 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally one update I would like to see is fairly minute but adding a "Collectors Cape". It could be an addition to the skill capes. You can base it on Holiday items, Vanity/Cosmetic Items, Squeal of Fortune rares just any item that could be considered collectables. I just thought that it would be pretty awesome. :)

24-Jan-2013 00:56:42

May Member 2014


Posts: 83 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I still don't see that the main problem with the Evolution of Combat was that it was not ready. No amount of fixing or changes could make it accepted by all! We had all gotten used to the old style of combat, and though it had flaws, it was still what we were used to. Those flaws could be fixed with a few big changes, but the EoC was not necessary. When I first logged on on that fateful day, November 20, 2012, I felt like something had died. The game had a strange feel to it, and I kept whispering to myself, "Get off the Beta, fool; play real RuneScape." But I could not, because it was gone. That aside, The EoC was not a pointless, malicious update made only to annoy us (though it may seem that way), but rather, I think that Jagex really believed that it would improve the game. And I really believe that it did NOT improve the game {insert rant :P }. I am just praying that Jagex will do what is right, listen to the players, and we will have our good ol' RuneScape back, in one way or another!

Sincerest regards,
Tron ;)

24-Jan-2013 01:00:18



Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey! Thanks for the post. It's awesome to know that you guys are receiving feedback from the players of RS. Let me cut to the chase:

EoC is a far superior combat system than that of RS 2, and I enjoy it much more. Im glad to know that it will continue to be updated. In PvP, it is awesome. There is one inconvenience about it, however, and that is that the players do not gain any experience in PvP. Not in the dueling arena, not in Clan Wars, and not in the wilderness (that I know of. I havn't tried there yet.) That really depreciates the pvp experience. If you are only killing in a safe area, it is pretty much a waste of time.

I know that in the new way of acquiring experience you must kill the whole beast and that the experience is based off their combat level and hit points, unlike the old where you gained experience based on how much damage dealt in every hit.

Would it be too difficult to update the EoC so that the same rule applied to beasts and creatures be applied to every player? What I mean is, that the experience gained by a player that kills another is based on their combat and constitution level. So for every level advanced, the potential experience in that player that can be acquired by others increases.

Other than that, I think the update is awesome. Here's some extremely good places to watch for bots: the 4 yew trees in Rimmington (many bots), The two yews in the broken tower in Edgeville, the 3 yews south of Falador, and the mining guild. Sometimes I feel Im the only non-machine there.

I hope you guys read this. Thanks for the update!

24-Jan-2013 01:02:19



Posts: 52 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As an avid lover of the game we all enjoy and love, I feel it is my duty as a Scaper to point out, Jagex = creative use of feedback. We've seen it everywhere, the need for an unsoloable boss (The new release kalphite king and new queen were sufficient, even though the drops are as profitabel as corp's, barely any profit to be more specific.), the armor sets effects to boost nex prices and stablize the economy (fix gwd armor plox! full set gets damage bonus not just the plate!) and graced us with constant and refreshing updates. I have one and only one problem, the dwarf multicannon went from the fist of a boss, to the crutch of a noob, it is unbeleivible how weak and useless it became, make it better, make it go everywere! Kbd, Qbd, KK,KQ,Corp and countless others need it for quicker kills, and corp was meant to be soloed by the elite members of the community, as a symbol of what everyone can achive through hard work, saving, and hard-core questing. I have tried many times to solo corp in the beta, and the eoc, it hasnt worked AT ALL, I die 1/3 the way throught the kill, but once i got dreadnip I died at the cores spawn, then thought a cannon would get me a whole kill, it didnt even hit once. Furthermore, kbd takes forever to kill without two hand weapons such as veracs or dharoks, you nerfed whips too much its chaotics or barrows, not whip+dfs like the old days. get whip damage to 900 and make chaotics better, its what they are! the ultimate weapons for player with all the $ in the world!

24-Jan-2013 01:02:36



Posts: 274 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Abs L "hopefully you can aspire to be as good a company as Blizzard entertainment & the likes."
That's actually the wrong direction you want to go in. Blizzard never reads reports, so just ignore that statement above

~ Signed - A 2-year Starcraft 2 Troll

24-Jan-2013 01:04:18

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