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Quick find code: 294-295-157-64458186

Nov Member 2019


Posts: 244 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Mod stopped responding, lol.

He does seem to have his heart in the right place, Im sure one person can't fix it all.

There are sure Tons of responses here, nice!

They did not do with the Christmas Presents what the original post said, and I think they deleted the record of the event and what they told us would happen on a certain date.

They have a cape stat mess up everyones ragin about, they rolled back a lot of changes because they introduced any too early and made all persons waste more time, cash, talent, in game.

Lets see if they all can read this and follow the Mods Theme here,

So many Players and Subscribers have posted here and other places and seen no results in the past.

GL All !

27-Jan-2013 14:06:56 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2013 14:11:41 by Clanman



Posts: 61 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lol what a entire joke. Mod Mark is only in it for the money, every update Solomon & Squeal is all monetized transactions. I can't believe you let a bloke who is in charge of everything make stupid moves upon what he thinks is "cool and what this game needs." I've played this game since 2002 and it took one CEO to ruin this game for tens if not hundreds of thousands of players. If any of you have played Diablo 3.... this game pretty much copied everything from it including half of the spell names. (lol) I just hope Andrew Gower or Paul Gower sees what their game has really become and try playing it. .... utter trash for a mmorpg. Good day corporate jagex.

27-Jan-2013 14:42:41

Johnny Mojo
Jul Member 2020

Johnny Mojo

Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is a long one but I am really, really frustrated with what used to be, and still could be, a wonderful game.

Some of the changes that came with EOC don't really make a lot of sense to me. What was the logic behind removing skulls in the wilderness? You have now made any activity in the wild, treasure trails, quests, things that non-pkrs are forced to do to play the game, much more difficult and frustrating. Take Penguin Hide and Seek for example. Any time there is a wildy penguin, pkrs head to world 60 and lie in wait. This was not the case prior to EOC. There is also the issue of what you say a monster's weakness is. Suquah for example are supposedly weak to fire spells. I fought them the other day and the fire spells did little to no damage at all, while my Bandos God Sword killed them in two to three hits. There are other monster's that have the same issues. Why would waterfiends be weak to bolts? Seems like a bolt would go right through water, while fire spells would evaporate the water.

I am wondering if you actually know where the bots are. If your team plays the game you have to be aware of areas that are just rife with bots. Dragons, grotworms, magic trees in resources dungeons. It makes it just so frustrating to see them running around. They all wear the same outfits, and not great ones at that. I know you say you are working on this but in my humble opinion (and I have played for years), the situation is worse now than it has ever been.

27-Jan-2013 14:44:28



Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Liebe Skillers Pro Pkers mit Stats 50-70

RS ist einfach nur müll geworden du kannste wirklich Revs mit Range 70 Killen gehen Def spielt keine Rolle.

Vor EoC schafft 1 Maxxed Typ nicht mal alleine den Ritter Wdg? und jetzt schafft man die mit Range 70?

CF ist voller Pro pkers mit diesen Stats die vor EoC zu Dauerkill geführ haben.
Also wirklich RS sollte Str capes ab lvl 70 verteilen.

Warum öffnet ihr nicht einfach ein Server mit dem alten Kampfsystem für eine Woche wie Jagex da durch Geld verdient? --> Werbung schalten von mir aus schaue ich 2 Minuten Werbung vor dem zocken anstatt 30 sek und dann EoC LOL.

PS eröffnet wieder den Server: W 146 und W 139 --> Weniger noobs auf einem Server.

Streiten sich 2 Server freut sich der dritte ok?

we wont old rs back

27-Jan-2013 14:45:56 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2013 14:46:27 by 123onur4

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 541 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was curious as to why the problem of gambling has not been addressed in this thread? When will Jagex do something proactive to get this problem under control? What does Jagex do to protect and prevent underage players from getting involved in this online gambling? Since often times real world trading is involved, how does Jagex regulate this flow of money in and out of the game? Aren't there guidelines that have to be followed for online gambling websites? Please do something to get this and the other problem (bots) from destroying our beloved Runescape in 2013.

27-Jan-2013 14:54:36

Salem Boyz
Oct Member 2010

Salem Boyz

Posts: 30 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would like to see a separate server for Runescape in 2006/2007 (before the wilderness was taken away). If you guys don't realise how much revenue this could bring in, just check out some of those private servers. Before RS2006 got taken down it had 500,000 people PAYING to play it.

27-Jan-2013 15:19:25

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