After being angry at Jagex for 6 months, this post really calms my nerves. Contrary to nearly every single other news post your studio has put out ever since the SoF was introduced, I didn't feel that it was faked and riddled with lies. I appreciate your honesty and really believe you when you say that you're sorry for ignoring many people, and miscommunicating up the wazoo to most of your player base.
Regarding the SoF, if its inclusion was one of the only ways to save Runescape, I don't feel as cheated and upset about it now as I once did. I still dislike it and see it as a way for people to gain an unfair advantage, but I must agree that it was done for a greater good, or at least with a greater good in mind. I can think of many better ways that you guys could have executed this, but what's done is done, and we can't change that now. Well, you can, but you're obviously not going to.
I just hope that you start listening to your players more like you promise to here. If you actually listen to what your players have to say and actually give them what they want, you'll see that you will actually GAIN subscriptions and loyal players, instead of losing some and angering many while profiting from a few when you introduce micropayments to the game.
All in all, I thank you for your honesty, and hope that some of your updates this year will make the game fun again for me after micropayments and the new combat system flushed all the allure of Runescape away, long ago...
25-Jan-2013 07:01:16