Hey MMG thanks.
I've been playing RS since very early in RS2. Over the years I've read many many posts on various forums. What i do notice is the overabundance of fatuous postings, as well as those from the malcontents who are convinced that they know more than the creators of this game! Well guys and girls, as someone with 63 years of life XP, I'm here to tell you that a badly run company does NOT exist as long as Jagex. Until you have experienced running a company and your lively hood depending on it, you unfortunately have no frame of reference upon which to base most of your scathing comments. I DO on the other hand have that experence, So based on this I do say again Thanks Mod MMG, for all your hard work on all our behalf. Just the enormous task of reading all these posts is daunting.
Oh yeah... for all of the doubters, look me up if you care. I am rated 152000 or so in this world of RS. So I do have some back round from which to speak. I try not to be too long winded so I will close with this. To those with the non-constructive criticism, get some life experience and spend time thinking about the who, what, and wherefore's. before going on a rant about pixels on a screen.
PA Wizard
23-Jan-2013 19:31:32