This is really my first post on a public forum for the first time in my five and a half years of Runescape. Despite never having a 99, I've gained 63 Million xp, a Quest point cape achieved by never using a guide, ever. Not to mention balanced levels on all my skills.
Its really disappointing seeing all these people complaining, even after this sincere apology how Jagex has looked into these problems and explained the reasons behind these somewhat controversial, but vital up dates for Runescape's future. I know many players who support these updates, and despite being in this game for a long time, I've supported just about all of them.
Sometimes people forget that Jagex employees are Runescape players too, and they do what feels right to the game, and more recently, they have been taking greater feedback then most gaming studios do from there players. I personally along with my friends cant wait to see the new updates every month, checking the homepage at the start of every month to see what beneficial changes will be made to the game that month. Runescape seems to be constantly evolving, not for the worst, but for the better. Its really annoying how players cannot see this. :l
Cant wait to see what they have in store in 6 more days, hopefully this new Grandmaster quest! c:
25-Jan-2013 05:11:06