@Savant King............................. that was my point kid. All these people are raging because RS changed to be more updated and modern and they want the old RS outdated combat system of rs back. So that's why I used those to outdated consoles as an example. Wow would really help if people used that thing that's contained in your skull called a brain.
It's respectable to see you apologize. I really thought you were just trying to squeeze out the last cent of your players before closing the game. I'm not sure about the rest, but I'll accept the apology if you stay by your word and don't update us constantly about SOF and SGS.
I would appreciate aswel if you don't release into the SGS pets that collect items or spamming items (like the banner), nor release more XP reward items into the SOF. Those are unfair advantages after all. But keep the cosmetics coming. If someone wants to buy them it's their choice and it doesn't harm anyone.
About the EoC: Again, it's nice you admit your mistakes. The EoC was a rushed update and needed more testing. The next time you plan launching a beta for big game updates please allow everyone to take part in it and post feedback, even F2P players. I'm kind of worried about the fact that I read somewhere you were only allowing premium members to access the beta. That could be gamebreaking since the feedback would be reduced to a small portion of the community. Please reconsider this.
And finally, about bots. Although you say you're making progress it doesn't seem like it. Bots are more sophistaced than ever and I see tens of bots at burthorpe joining the game everytime I go there. If you aren't able to deal with them just remove trial accounts. New players have F2P which is basically a trial after all.
Something you haven't mentioned is gambling. I know it's not against the rules unless they scam, but this is a MMORPG, not an online casino. Also, lets face it: the vast majority of rich gambling hosts RWT. It's so easy to fight gambling, just make a rule against it and it will be gone forever in less than a day*
**;DR: Thank you for apoligizing and admitting your mistakes. If you keep your word this year will be great.
Sounds good, haters gonna hate, I really enjoy the new combat system and think PVP is much more fun as a result of it. I'd really like to see all the flower gambling stopped though, if people want to gamble make them train for it and play in a select area of the world (the duel arena) instead of ruining every bank area with generic chat spam.
Crazyoldman it's not that they are limiting the betas to premier club members (premium members as you called them) just that purchasing the premier package allowed you automatic access to betas.
@Crazy Old Man:
They didn't say they were limiting betas only to premium members, they said that premium members would get first access. It will most likely be like in the summer where a bunch of members got first access and later on everyone else got to join in (including F2p).