
What's Coming & What's Going

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Dawgin It

Dawgin It

Posts: 1,350 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Since the announcement, and first post brought it up, how about some adjustments to EoC?

I have two points where I would like a bit of a change.

1) What ever happened to the crossbows to fill the gap? Last I heard the only crossbow that will fire high level enchanted bolts like ruby tipped and diamond tipped wasthe chaotic crossbow. There was some rumor about a plan to make the dragon crossbow fire them, but I have heard nothing on that since. Back when EoC was in beta I suggested a system where the rune crossbow could be upgraded (by player, or at a cost by an NPC) with gems and enchantment to deal with this need. I never got any feedback from a mod, even though one other poster tried to claim the idea as his own.

2) Some of us still want a toggle to remove the connection between the action bar, and the keyboard. Really, time and effort was spent on coding the keyboard connection, but it's clear that someone realized that people might rather click with the mouse to activate the abilities because time and effort was spent on making that possible. Then there must have been someone that went along with the normal typing idea that beta feedback called for, because a toggle for that was sdded. Now I'm repeting a request for a toggle that will allow normal chat input (with no click or "enter" first) while the action bar is up. The toggle could be added as a bypass to the subroutine that connects the keyboard to the ability bar.

I hope that for a change I will get some sort of reply from a J-Mod, even if it's just to tell me that the ideas are unworkable, however ie would be nice to see something on the why of it as well.

24-Jan-2013 15:45:37

RevSlaya FK

RevSlaya FK

Posts: 772 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Foxy Grampa1, Yes the game has changed that's why they called it an evolution, just like the change from classic to rs2. Things change learn to cope with it. The old combat system was getting well outdated by other MMOs RS had to do something to be more current EOC was a huge step in that direction. Think of it like this would you go to Best Buy and buy a 19" analog tube type TV or would you go for the 32" flat screen LCD HD TV?????

@R I P x R S, EOC didnt ruin the wild just made you change you tactics, there is no honor amoung PKers anymore anyway so way does it matter?? they would hide in trees and under npc to catch people trying to run to the chaos tunnels to slay and bind and arma storm them to death with nothign the other player could do about it. How is that an honorable fight? Yes your "pures" are trash now but that was something Jagex wanted to accomplish. Be a good pker by the skills you use not by trying to find someone at a sever disadvantage.

24-Jan-2013 15:53:41



Posts: 874 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After hearing about EOC from some old RS pals, I was curious and recently decided to buy a month's membership in hopes of giving this game another chance. I think I played for roughly half an hour to an hour before I was unable to bear it any longer. No, I don't need to "take some time to adjust to it". It's bad. This is no longer RuneScape.

Sorry Jagex, but you guys messed up bad on this one.

Needless to say this will be the last time time I'm purchasing membership until some serious changes are made.

You guys want more money... right? So how about making an 06 version (or perhaps take a poll and see which year the community would like it to be) and charge a separate membership fee completely. No updates, just some servers for the players and some mods to monitor the community. I mean... how much could that really cost you? I know myself and thousands of other players would gladly pay for that. Hell, you charge me 2x. I'd pay that. Seriously. (And yes. I KNOW they said they won't do this, but you know what? It wouldn't be the first time Jagex has gone against what they've said. Just making that clear)

But if you guys plan to keep going down the path you're going... All I can say is good luck 'cause, at the moment, it doesn't look too bright for you.

24-Jan-2013 16:02:01



Posts: 43 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dear mmg,

PLEASE if you care about me a +7 years player and very loyal to RS not once banned or warned or anything make or just take the idea of making some like 10 or less worlds for the game before the new combat (EoC) :|

24-Jan-2013 16:06:55



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
When one considers that other game companies have been repeatedly downsizing their employee numberss (SOE Entertainment for example), been selling out to bigger companies (Bioware is now part of EA games as an example), and some of the big ones are going down, such as THQ's bancruptcy, and knowing that there are many other game companies not doing so well...

I think its amazing that Jagex has managed to double their employees, and continue producing quality updates (am I the only one that loves the graphics overhauls??) so consistently.

I think it would be wise for Jagex as well as some of the others on the forums, that content people don't usually complain much. Sure, there are 168 pages in the thread, but considering that the front page continually shows 80k+ players online is a good thing.

It doesn't mean that there is only around 80K people playing total. I cant speak for everyone, but most people have jobs, school, families, friends, and other hobbies outside of just playing RS. I know I'm not on 24/7 and I doubt everyone else is either...

Its just a simple fact of life that not everyone will like every update. It is absolutely impossible to please every single person on the planet because as quite a few people have stated, what they want out of the experience is different from what someone else wants.

In my opinion Jagex is doing a good job trying to manage things, and I'm just happy that I don't think their doors are shutting down any time soon.

Another game I play has had "the gamer who cries death of game" which is another variation of the "boy that cries wolf" for the last 10 or so years, yet it still has a strong passionate community just like RS seems to.

If the community wasn't passionate, there wouldn't be 168 pages of posts on this thread. I just wish less of them were just one line posts of "the game is dead" and "take away EoC" when they could have actually made suggestions on what they want to see happen this next year.

24-Jan-2013 16:10:33



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
continued from my previous post...

I'm not saying that "Take away EoC" or "Death of the game" posts aren't valid opinions. I just wish the people posting them would post why they think the way they do, and give the Mods ideas on what they would rather see.

Its true you can't please everyone, but its hard to have a discussion when all some people bother saying is that one line.

I think a like system on posts would work really well if the forums ever get revamped too because it would help condense such hot topics as this since instead of having 50 people saying "death of the game" or "remove EoC" you could have 1 post of that nature, and 49 likes.

I'm very glad it isn't my job to be sorting through all 168 pages lol...

24-Jan-2013 16:14:14

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