What was most frustrating, and caused most of the true veteran players to leave runescape was the way the EOC cheapened what had been major accomplishments on their parts. They had taken the risks, and the great losses, to get to the top of the combat section of the game..and when EOC came out and "dumbed it down" it was devestating. All the respect they had legitimately earned from their fellow "scapers" became worthless. Earlier in the blog, you talk about "giving away" too much. Well, that is true..especially in regard to EOC. EOC was nothing but a huge "give away" of combat xp. Many of us who are still playing, are refusing to have anything to do with it. We are "skilling only" in protest. And we have agreed that if Runescape refuses to give us Non-EOC worlds to play in, we will (in time coming) allow our memberships to elaspe..and revert to F2P, keeping only our best equipment in our banks in hopes of better (EOC-free) days. I was given a year's membership as a Christmas gift by a son. So instead of leaving in March as I had planned, I will be spending a year skilling while I look at other games to see if there is anything I could enjoy playing. Runescape with no combat, slayer, quests, or dungeoneering just isn't really worth it anymore. So my playing time will continue to decrease, and my looking elsewhere will increase. Choices have consequences. And it is not the "bot busting" that is costing you players, it was EOC. Please consider giving us just 10 worlds where EOC does not exist...and we can all get along (and you can regain your lost members). Without EOC, runescape is a fun diversion that even kids can enjoy. I was planning on getting a membership for my F2P grandson next year, but of course that plan was changed by EOC too. he wants to play the games I play. And without a NON EOC world, well the grand will be moving on and taking him with me.
Not happy with os
23-Jan-2013 13:47:30