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Thee Ace
Apr Member 2006

Thee Ace

Posts: 3,872 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I concur

Lance Tarnia
Dec 2006
24-Jan-2013 01:09:27
Profile Highlight
I look forward to RS 2013. I anticipate good updates this year and many fixes that have been needed.
I don't want to do away with SoF or SGS, but I would like to see improvements on their content. While I have been all-the-while trying to explain other players exactly the views on Jagex's reason for adding micro-transactions (which is now in plain view in the OP) I do partially agree with a few arguments player have with them:
1. Some of the content in SGS are a bit over-priced (take the costume packages for example. A person in the US has to pay about 40-50 USD to obtain this. I would know, I have Assassin's, Ariane's, Ozan's, and Dwarven sets.) Another good example would be the SGS Pets.
2. I also would like to see the SGS Bank Expansions be moved to something else, like the loyalty shop. I believe the SGS should just be left to optional cosmetics so that the players can just opt to pay cash for cosmetics only, this way the Bank expansions can be given to your loyal members over time, and not have to pay money for extra space. Members benefits were supposed to include extra bankspace anyways, why not just add this as an "added loyalty benefit" for the members who stay with you over time?
3. I think Squeal of Fortune was a great thing when it came out, as it added something that felt like a Daily Login Reward. I also liked the idea of getting free spins from quests, and Daily Tasks. However, I still do not really like the idea of being able to buy the spins, this feels like RWT, no matter if it's to support the game's growth or just extra pay in the paychecks. I really think this could be tweaked. If you insist on continuing to sell spins for SoF, I think the rewards should be tweaked. Keep the Exp Pendants and Prized Pendants as well as Skilling Outfits, add more Cosmetic/Functional gear like the Shark fists and Tzhaar whips, as well as the Queen's guard and Ceremonial dragon sets...etc

24-Jan-2013 01:23:54

Feb Member 2021


Posts: 478 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Mod Mmg

you sir claim "On average, we ban over 1,000 player accounts every day for botting"

you sir are a liar. i've reported the same f'ing bot at avianese for well over a week. and the bot im referring to happens to be ranked f'ing 154 in range. when i first started reporting him he was fluttering at 164-165 ranked.

so if you truely do ban "on average 1,000 players a day"

how is it your so incompetant at banning a bot that obvious? he just sits there and bloody well auto shots avianese just over the gap into armadyls encampment on world 46. and has 173,681,399 range xp.

also, the whole woox16 challenge thing has to be a joke right? you ban botters and bug abusers? but you give him a challenge to solo a boss, after he abuses auto voyages? and no dont even think of saying oh he didnt know, thats out right bs. your going to tell me voyages over an hour long comming back in seconds-minutes isnt obviously a bug? and by the way, you should also go read the description of woox's pernix body drop from nex solo video, where right in the description of it he says he uses the glitch to solo nex.

24-Jan-2013 01:24:27 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2013 01:25:54 by KleptoFever

Thee Ace
Apr Member 2006

Thee Ace

Posts: 3,872 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@ harlequin18

Gold farming define...

1) To kill monsters or do skills for the soul purpose to sell for Real life cash.
( main term and against rules )

2) To massively kill monsters for their drops and flood the market until it reaches a devalued level.
( not a good aspect of the community , but one used for those whom like to see how they can impact the game as a group just for fun mainly )

3) On a positive side...finding a demanded item , but only gathering the items for your clan or an order in which players placed to buy from you. This also includes demand on the g/e without altering the price in a massive manor.
*skiller money making*
( this is community support )

24-Jan-2013 01:31:17 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2013 01:35:25 by Thee Ace

Feb Member 2021


Posts: 478 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Also on a note about the "micro transactions" as you call them.

when you released solomans general store and it was only cosmetic it didnt bother me, when you sold bank space in it, and said it would be in the loyalty shop "in the comming weeks" it kind of bothered me, when those bank boosters never appeared in the loyalty shop and still arnt there 5-6 months later, that makes you a liar.

where jagex crossed a HUGE line, is saying solomans would only be cosmetic then you release a pet with familiar abilities? that makes you a liar again.


Looking back, we definitely had too many promotions and giveaways in 2012. Though we carefully balanced the Squeal of Fortune, promotions like Sizzling Summer gave away too much. I think we got the Festive Aura & Winter Weekends about right, though. In 2013 we will be more cautious: these events should feel special and bring the community together, so we'll make them less frequent, more fun and ensure that they don't undermine your hard-earned achievements"

i've noticed something with your promotions, there is never a single thing for people such as myself who pay the old membership fees because of our long term running memberships. just like your gold package and your 3 month card promotions its attempting to force your long standing veterans of this game to pay the new price

so when will jagex actually reward their long standing veteran players for their years of loyalty to the game, and dont say its in the loyalty shop because thats a lie too.

when was the last time the loyalty shop was actually updated? ooohhh right, since solomans it hasnt been.

24-Jan-2013 01:34:38



Posts: 201 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

This post comes from the heart when I say this, if you "CARED", why don't you follow up on this idea?

Revert EoC, its crap.
Upon reverting, Buff Ranged gear/weapons, make changes so certain items cant be used in pvp, much like Vanguard/Profound etc.
Buff magic weapons and/or armour, (at the end of the day, ranged was the weakest feat in pvp).

The old combat system is like the root of Runescape, its always been that way, and therefore always should've been that way. In all honesty, maybe Mark Gerhard should resign as CEO and put someone in charge that actually listens to what we want, because at the end of the day: "Customer is always RIGHT".

Free Trade & Wilderness update = We got a vote on it.

Evolution of Combat = NO VOTE.

FT&W, was a major update, same as EoC, now where is the fairness.
You DO NOT care about how we feel, and to prove it, you will not put up a vote.

Instead of just sticking to the EoC, why not have your little dev's think up a few ideas and improve the combat system without removing everything we loved about it.

Dragon Claws, Dragon Claw + Offhand Claw, good idea. (+CClaws).
If reverted, keep the Adrenaline Bar as an optional skilling bar. Remove the Adrenaline and bring back Special Attacks.

Add something in magic that allows certain staves to be given a Spec.
Add more specs or buff current ranged spec weapons.
This would make Runescape tip the scales when it comes to game updates, you seriously need to think about this.

If you also think of it strategically, Reverting EoC would slow bots down incredibly.
Also a bot fighter: Take away the new player system, do a new tutorial and make home location Lumbridge again, something like tutorial island.
If new players cant have membership, it'll effectively cost gold farmers more money, or they will stick to botting in F2P.

99 Runecrafting Untrimmed

24-Jan-2013 01:36:47

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