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Quick find code: 294-295-157-64458186

Heidly Ees
Jun Member 2023

Heidly Ees

Posts: 5,484 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you for this. I'm extremely glad you're at least trying to reduce the promotions - Sizzling Summer was, indeed, too much. I hope we can get the balance right this year between the odd micro-payment event and having it dominating our newsfeeds.

Also concerning RWT bots, to me the solution would be to have a friend-request system - I keep getting messages from goldfarmers, but if I had to accept them as a friend first, this would be completely irrelevant.

Gambling is a huge issue right now - if you can sort this out by making flowers not random (maybe they go in a cycle) and perhaps introduced an in-game gambling house it would be less distracting for the rest of the players.

Finally one thing that is still not being addressed is player loyalty. While I did take advantage of the Gold/Premium membership subscription, many players would obviously be upset by this. Furthermore, it's been a very long time since the Loyalty Store got an update - where is the promised bank space??? I think the best idea would be to combine Solomon's Store and the Loyalty Store into one, so that all members could get the awesome Solomon's costumes eventually, it would just take time.
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero.
Just a boy who had to sing this song.

23-Jan-2013 16:57:40 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2013 17:03:27 by Heidly Ees

Jan deLovely
Oct Member 2023

Jan deLovely

Posts: 361 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Great to read that you've all at least been listening to what players have to say. And thank you for taking the time to "somewhat" adress a few issues.

the free spins on sof are fun, but the option to buy spins is really horrible...honestly, i'd rather pay extra for monthly membership, than see the buy spins option to gain unfair advantages. (as little or as big as they may be)
Soloman's is a whole other issue for me as are game cards that give bonus items. I dont understand why these special items are not given to your members who pay every month via credit card/paypal/bank card or whatever other paiement options are available online. Especially since game cards cost more money to produce (printing, shipping, marketing)
Last year or was it the year before, you introduced the loyalty shop...which seemed like a very promising update for loyal members. But you have now "replaced" or abandonned it for soloman's. I'm still waiting for the extra bank spaces to be added to the loyalty shop. I think A L L of soloman's stock should be available and reasonably priced in the loyalty shop...Soloman's would seem acceptable to me in that case; if ppl wanted to use real money instead of waiting to accumulate loyalty long as the choice was there. That being said, as long as the advantages are cosmetic. I'm 100% against the new pets and anything that gives unfair advantages over rl poorer players.

I mostly love eoc, or did before the last weeks update. Hopefully more reasonable adjustements will be made. We know how much work it must be!

Bots are still a problem, but i think ppl sometimes forget how bad it was before the first bot nuke! You've all done a fantastic job in the continuing battle against bots!

I really didnt intend to rant! eek

thank you for the new years resolutions! Looking forward to see more communications adressing player concerns!

23-Jan-2013 16:58:58

Laser Wizard
Dec Member 2021

Laser Wizard

Posts: 175 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Any more details on HTML5, tablet compatibility and apps for Android/iOS? I sure hope that the betas will be something of that type.
That's really all I'm expecting this year, apart from the new Grandmaster quest and a few minor bug fixes.

Thanks a lot for last year. A vast majority of the updates were a very nice addition to the game!

23-Jan-2013 16:59:02



Posts: 1,885 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Have not seen a single gold farmer bot banned

Old sorc garden was empty because the script went down and herbs weren't worth gathering for bots. Its now full again.

Same for grotworms, there's two bots for everyone mature grotworm spawn which is bringing in absurd amounts of GP into the game every second. Meanwhile hardly any GP is going out because you keep adding alternates to repairing weapons... chaotics vs tokens... drygore vs chitin...

Now there's bots at QBD who are bringing in lots of raw resources and devaluing what should have been a very high level and difficult boss.

23-Jan-2013 16:59:08



Posts: 481 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Flower Gambling Solution.


Mithril seeds cannot simply be taken out, because as we all know they're used as secondary ingredients for Summoning; the flowers, that is.
So what I think would be best would be to turn Mithril seeds into individual colours - as others have suggested - BUT, instead of being able to grow them anywhere (GE, for an easy, relate-able example), you would need to grow them in patches using your Farming Skill.
This would allow for people who need the ingredient, or to make money, actually GROW the flowers, and use/sell them, WITHOUT them being used for gambling.

Quick find code: 74-75-691-64203827

Please consider this - or atleast consider getting rid of flower gambling. Look in world 2, it's out of hand and ruining runescape for the rest of us.

23-Jan-2013 17:00:12



Posts: 1,885 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Also, your armor update completely failed and people are still using void equipment at Nex, Kalphite King, and QBD. All supposed to be deadly bosses where high level armor is supposed to help, it does nothing because its better to have 10% damage boost from void.

Armor damage boost should have been percentage, not raw value.
Void should have stayed level 30 all class gear.

23-Jan-2013 17:01:39



Posts: 974 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mods, any idea about reworking slayer? the most profitable skill once now gives none profit..:/ a rework in the reward system to allow us spending our points in more profitable rewards would be great, or just rework monsters to give more valuable loot while in slayer tasks..

23-Jan-2013 17:01:48



Posts: 1,694 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Murray said:

@Milady Diane (Page 16) “Please don't forget to include the language specific communities. At the moment, a lot of Dutch players in the Dutch community feel they are completely ignored by Jagex”

Well said, we need to recruit more language support – in fact we are ....and if you’re interested head over to Jagex.*** and send us your CV
- - -

That has been Jagex' official statement since Mod Moonie was fired in June 2011.
If the opening hasn't been filled all that time, why would it now..

If I could work from home I'd happily give an hour a day to the Dutch (official - already doing fansite stuff..) community for free, but I'm not too enthusiastic about doing it as a full-time job and moving to the UK, also keeping in mind what happened with Moonie.

23-Jan-2013 17:03:03

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