Thank you for this. I'm extremely glad you're at least trying to reduce the promotions - Sizzling Summer was, indeed, too much. I hope we can get the balance right this year between the odd micro-payment event and having it dominating our newsfeeds.
Also concerning RWT bots, to me the solution would be to have a friend-request system - I keep getting messages from goldfarmers, but if I had to accept them as a friend first, this would be completely irrelevant.
Gambling is a huge issue right now - if you can sort this out by making flowers not random (maybe they go in a cycle) and perhaps introduced an in-game gambling house it would be less distracting for the rest of the players.
Finally one thing that is still not being addressed is player loyalty. While I did take advantage of the Gold/Premium membership subscription, many players would obviously be upset by this. Furthermore, it's been a very long time since the Loyalty Store got an update - where is the promised bank space??? I think the best idea would be to combine Solomon's Store and the Loyalty Store into one, so that all members could get the awesome Solomon's costumes eventually, it would just take time.
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero.
Just a boy who had to sing this song.
23-Jan-2013 16:57:40
- Last edited on
23-Jan-2013 17:03:27
Heidly Ees