Nice to hear, but this is just taking a waterdrop out of the sea.
I play for quite a while now and can hardly remember times where bots swarmed Runescape as much as now. Weather it comes to mass farmers or to single accounts being pushed up in their skills unfairly by botting, it makes the whole gameplay rather pointless. No one playing along the rules can compete with bots, neither regarding rs-money nor regarding experience rates. Highscores are a joke with all the botted ranks in there. A lot of important play spots are unusable due to bots. All in all, the game is pretty much ruined by bots, as everyone knows. Why keep playing in such an environment?
And, honestly, I don't like at all how you (Jagex) handle especially the public part of it. Do whatever you do behind the curtains - and likely need to do "secretly" to avoid bot programmers get an advantage in the technical race -, but add a more public orientated additional strategy to it. This could include these points:
1) Frequent Raids
Have some stuff members with bot-experience do frequent raids at known botting spots. One or two a week, may be. I bet you can monitor an account directly with ways more information than a normal player has at hand if looking at a suspicious character ingame to judge it. Do this where there's usually mass botting going on - like grotworms, dragons, mining sites, the ess bots swarming Aubury and so on. Do this also where single players bot up their accounts, like at the Livid Farm or usual skill training places.
This won't affect the endless number of bots, but it would set a sign. And it would make botting less predictable. Actually the risk seems to be around ... well, 0%? At least players not botting for rwt, but for skilling up quickly might think twice about it if they feel there's a big risk of account loosing actually involved in their doings. And it would give players more hope than the one or other "We banned some bots" - announcement spread out over the year.
06-Jan-2013 08:29:16