Why not start with Flutty3?? A well known, mage cape wearing, gem bot?? She was mining gems in shilo, on world 64, for 4 weeks straight and was reported by my entire clan. This includes player mods. Flutty3 continues to bot....just check out the hiscores......50 mill ming xp??? Or all the bots at grots....miths...brutal greens. They just pile their bots now. You could fix this quickly, Jagex, by just looking around. I would have more respect for you, if you just came out and said, "We simply cannot afford to ban all bots because we would go bankrupt." because this is the real truth. I'm trying to stay loyal to the game I love but dayum, I feel like I'm hanging on to a sinking ship.
08-Jan-2013 14:12:16