Ruined the whole game for anyone that enjoyed it for what it was , it didn't need to be this bigger game like WoW you just took it over the top and i think your going to lose allot of people that play
serisly u get rif of speicals .. its wat made runescape members man.. this is utter ******** ive lost 20m due to items already dropping and cant sell them thanks to this jew update
I cant believe they did this update. This is fark up im quiting this now until jagex fix it back to 2012. you were shields on back and fark up hides your cape and they turn it to an overrated game. So i quit and i ****en waste 7 year sof membershi pto this***ken load of crap of this new update.
Guys lets proteest about RS ,lets just stop playing it . Mem will stop paying and jagex will be crying for money . I really enjoyed claws and the specs now claws are ****
tera online is now free so bye bye runescape was a fun game i was gona get members on this but this update ruined it so im not waisting money on this crap no moore jagex is digging his own grave