Whats the point in these guides? The game is still so unbalanced, some monsters are too easy and others are too hard and only a spec of them are "just right". I have fallen victim to the the "too hard" side of it and it made me suffer. It made me suffer too much because i am reaching my limit.
Here is a more detail post about it:
We're still constantly tweaking monsters in the game, in fact, we've just rolled out a large number of tweaks and fixes just based upon the first wave of feedback since Tuesday. With an update of this scale, it's very hard for us to perfect every single enemy in the game in one fell swoop. However, keep submitting any feedback about enemies you feel to be imbalanced and we'll look into it.
Where are the god spells? They cannot be removed. They are essential to the game and back in the day one of the initial reasons for becoming member.
We've combined all of the god spells into one more powerful and awesome spell, Divine Storm. While this can be cast without use of the god staves, having them equipped will greatly increase the damage of the spell!