Its amazing how they can offer a package deal like this and people still find something to complain about. If you add in the additional spins and runecoins this more than makes up for the $15 extra you guys are paying if you do the math. If you don't agree with Soloman's or SOF and would rather not support it, great for you. You can simply choose not to buy it (I know seems like a foreign concept to some people).
I am currently paying via prepaid cards because I no longer have a credit card, but I may try and save up for this and make arrangements with someone because I save money in the long run. Seems like a fair deal to me.
Already seen that nostaw, ofc former employee's are gnna hate, and current ones, well, who's ever had the perfect life with the perfect job..
Jagex have said the content they released have been poor, because with a 10 year old system, they can't do much and maxed what they can do. Thats why EoC came out, to do so much more stuff.
Lets just wait for Januarys BTS
An Approved Community Project:
Molior RS
Ok can somebody please help me out here, it says all 2012 promo items does it not?
Yet I can't seem to see the bloodpouncer on the list even though it IS a 2012 promo item... Annoyed I am.
ive been a member constantly for a while now, i actively tested everything in the beta's ready to report any bug and now your telling me i dont get to be included in all the good stuff next year?
this option should not have been aimed at a certain payment option it should have been for all, this is completely unfair to those who must pay by certain options.
im not sure how long you expect to keep your customers "loyal", your content that has been added has been largely poor other than the eoc as most of this content has been junk from the solomons store.
i noticed a while back when my brother played his f2p account that when he won a members object like seaweed it would say "awesome members object subscribe to claim" and now its gone.
so you went from trickery to bribing your players so they will pay to play, i personaly see this as a low and pathetic move on your account.
maybe it is time to think about a new game, the prospect of 2 new skills is not realy enough to keep me around anymore.
As the benefit for beta's.. you get priority, if you know what that means, it means you get first advantage to use it, not locking all the non club members out..
Just like what EoC beta did, if you were 1 year+ member, you could get in without signing up