Country and time zone:U.S.A Missouri Central Standard Time GMT -6
What are your RuneScape goals: My goal is to get all the cape i can that mean max/quest/comp/comp(t)
What can the clan do to help you achieve your goals
eople have Different way of getting thing done and if im have trouble i like to have people to ask and i like to socialize with people when i play runescape.
What can you contribute to the clan:Contributing by capping helping people with what runescape knowledge that i have.
Have you reviewed our Clan Rules: Yes i have
How did you hear about us: i found you while i was look at the forums
Country and time zone:U.S.A Missouri Central Standard Time GMT -6
What are your RuneScape goals: My goal is to get all the cape i can that mean max/quest/comp/comp(t)
What can the clan do to help you achieve your goals
eople have Different way of getting thing done and if im have trouble i like to have people to ask and i like to socialize with people when i play runescape.
What can you contribute to the clan:Contributing by capping helping people with what runescape knowledge that i have.
Have you reviewed our Clan Rules: Yes i have
How did you hear about us: i found you while i was look at the forums
We've reviewed your application and it has been