Runescape name (RSN):
Total level:
Total xp:
Country and time zone:
the Netherlands, GMT+1
What are your RuneScape goals:
Recently got back into RuneScape after a break for about a year. My goals for now are to atleast reach 99 in one skill and to try to discover more of the features RuneScape has to offer besides skilling.
What can the clan do to help you achieve your goals:
Being able to ask your clanmates when you have certain questions instead of having to browse the internet. Other than that I don't really expect the clan to help me achieve my goals, I just really like to be able to socialize a bit more within RuneScape.
What can you contribute to the clan:
Even though i'm not a hardcore player I still try to help wherever I can. Contributing by capping or just trying to help other clan mates.
Have you reviewed our Clan Rules:
Yes I have.
How did you hear about us:
I found out about the clan by going to the recruitment page on the RuneScape forums. I like the fact that the clan is fairly new, i'd really like to help build up the clan even more.