Runescape name (RSN): IAmThankful
Total level: 628
Total xp:
Country and time zone: USA Cst
What are your RuneScape goals: Skill Skill Skill
What can the clan do to help you achieve your goals:Capping at Cit is help enough.
What can you contribute to the clan: I have over 15 years of knowledge and I faithfully cap at cit
Have you reviewed our Clan Rules: yes
How did you hear about us: Forums
Sir K Nolen
Runescape name (RSN): IAmThankful
Total level: 628
Total xp:
Country and time zone: USA Cst
What are your RuneScape goals: Skill Skill Skill
What can the clan do to help you achieve your goals:Capping at Cit is help enough.
What can you contribute to the clan: I have over 15 years of knowledge and I faithfully cap at cit
Have you reviewed our Clan Rules: yes
How did you hear about us: Forums
, we've reviewed your application and it has been
, You have been added by our leadership team, please set your private to 'On' so we can see when you're online, or please guest in our CC.