Runescape name (RSN): TheEldaSwok
Total level: 62
Total xp: 4341
Country and time zone: United States, EST.
What are your RuneScape goals: Have fun, and skill until I feel ready to PVM
What can the clan do to help you achieve your goals: Hangout and chat to keep me from getting bored, I'm as active as I can be with the job I work but I'm on for at least an hour every single day.
What can you contribute to the clan: I will cap every week, and i have a pretty good knowledge of the game, I can answer a lot of questions and help people with guidance. I know my total level doesn't prove it but I have been playing RS3 and OSRS for the last 17 years. Just recently coming back to RS3 and made my account an Ironman.
Have you reviewed our Clan Rules: Yes.
How did you hear about us: Googled "Rs3 skilling clans" brought me to a recruitment bored with lots of clans recruiting. This one stood out because it's new and I'd like to help it grow.
03-Jan-2021 16:10:59