1. To continue onto the application you must have read the clan rules on the first page of this thread. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules?
I've read the rules, and agree to them.
2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Were you referred by anyone to apply? If so, who?
I'm interested in joining Efficiency Experts because im looking for a active community to help me improve my training methods, also looking for ava's bonus xp.
3. How many hours do you play per week, on average?
15-20 , maybe more depending on my irl
4. Do you speak English fluently?
Yes, but with some grammar errors
5. Do you use TeamSpeak? Would you be interested in using the Efficiency Experts server?
Yes and yes
6. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. (Dailies/routines/skills you train and how you go about doing them efficiently.)
My daily routine consists of doing my daily challenge , Player Owned Ports, vis wax, Divine locations, buying broad arrowheads from slayer masters, caches, herb runs, crystal tree, jack of trades aura, sinkholes, occasionally warbands(not doing daily because i lack of a fc), followed by some theiving, smith, or att.(I do tears of guthix weekly and troll invasion and god statues monthly)
7.What are your current goals on RuneScape? What type of methods do you plan to use to achieve these goals efficiently?
My current goals are:
- 120 theiving (priff theiving)
-120 smith (rune platelegs/2h)
-120 att (slayer,frost,...)
-200m dung (sinkholes/daily)
02-Jan-2016 13:29:40