
Efficiency Experts™ Thread is locked

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Posts: 1,435 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Welcome to the official Efficiency Experts Recruitment Thread!

Mission Statement

The goal of Efficiency Experts is to reach our goals as efficiently as possible - 200M skills, Completionist content, PvM achievements, and whatever else your heart may desire. If you don't love XP, this may not be the clan for you. We aim to assist members in improving their performance with continued discussions about current methods as well as testing new methods.


The requirements to join our clan are 600M total XP or Level 99 in all skills. If you do not meet these requirements but still strongly feel as though you belong in our clan, feel free to apply and we will consider you on an individual basis.

What we look for in prospective applicants is an ability to regularly achieve high XP gains, and a general knowledge of the activites and methods required to be an efficient overall player. Your new clan mates will be glad to help you train as efficiently as possible. You are required to fill out the application below. Potential members and guests are welcomed to guest in the clan chat and on the TeamSpeak server should they wish to.

New members accepted into Efficiency Experts will be required to complete a ONE MONTH probationary period (explained below). During this period, you are encouraged to gain as much experience as possible, as this, along with your behavior in the clan, will be the deciding factors on whether you pass the probation period.

Applications may ONLY be accepted by the following members:
Dragonseance, Ice, The Oceana, 5Hour Energy, Geoff Gerard, Cam e ron, Qtea, Lunaa, E, and Evu.

Once you have been accepted, you are free to seek an invite into the clan from an Admin+ rank in the Clan Channel. You will need to inform them of your accepted application.
Efficiency Experts - 600M+ Total XP - Join Now!

05-Aug-2015 02:32:25 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2017 04:32:38 by Ice



Posts: 1,435 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Clan Information

Total Members: 430+
Total Clan XP: 395 Billion+
Average Clan XP: 900 Million+
Average Total Level: 2595
Citadel Level: 7
Home World: 140
Clan Rank: 1

Ranking System

Recruit: New member
Corporal: 40M clan XP
Sergeant: 80M clan XP
Lieutenant: 150M clan XP
Captain: 250M clan XP
General: 500M clan XP
Admin: 750M clan XP (Awarded temporarily for avatar purposes if necessary, based on merit)
Organiser: 1000M clan XP
Coordinator: 1500M clan XP
Overseer: Merit
Deputy Owner: Merit


EE does not hold any mandatory events. We do have occasional optional clan events such as Stealing Creation, Barbarian Assault, PvM trips, and clan avatars often hosted at popular skilling locations for clan members to skill together. The majority of our clan interaction consists of hanging out in the clan chat or clan TeamSpeak and discussing skilling and other parts of RS. This is a great place to be if you want to learn more about the game, and feel free to visit as a guest if you don't meet the requirements to join.

Clan citadel participation is another activity we recommend participating in, but do not enforce as a requirement.
Efficiency Experts - 600M+ Total XP - Join Now!

05-Aug-2015 02:32:34 - Last edited on 07-Apr-2017 05:28:09 by Ice



Posts: 1,435 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Application Questionnaire

Please answer as descriptively as possible to increase your chances of acceptance.

1. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules on Page 1 of this thread?

2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Please name any friends that may have referred you to the clan.

3. Would you be interested in joining our TeamSpeak/Discord server?

4. How many hours do you play per week, on average?

5. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. Include any dailies/D&Ds that you partake in.

6. What are your current goals on RuneScape? How will you achieve these goals efficiently?
Efficiency Experts - 600M+ Total XP - Join Now!

05-Aug-2015 02:32:39 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2017 00:28:10 by Ice



Posts: 1,435 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Example Questionnaire

1. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules on Page 1 of this thread?


2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Please name any friends that may have referred you to the clan.

I am interested in talking to and interacting with some of the top skillers in the game and gaining knowledge that can help me become a much better overall player. I was referred by Zezima.

3. Would you be interested in joining our TeamSpeak/Discord server?


4. How many hours do you play per week, on average?


5. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. Include any dailies/D&Ds that you partake in.

At reset I do Guthixian Caches, after which I do divine yews at W48 Burthorpe, and then a tree run while my Wisdom aura is still on. Afterwards I do Jack of Trades, Book of Char, and Ports. Then I do viswax, and my RC daily challenge. Throughout the day I do Warbands as well as another Guthixian Cache. When my dailies are done I proceed to train whichever skill I'm currently going for 200m XP in.

6. What are your current goals on RuneScape? How will you achieve these goals efficiently?

200m all skills and maintaining my Trimmed Comp cape. Examples of efficient things I will do to achieve 200m's are saving buyables for Double XP Weekend to save money, using Silverhawks for Agility, training Slayer with only the 6 best tasks (combat and Slayer XP both considered to achieve as much combat XP through Slayer as possible), using D&D's for skills that they are efficient for, doing Barbarian Assault and Stealing Creation for BXP, and making GP on a separate account while skilling on my main.
Efficiency Experts - 600M+ Total XP - Join Now!

05-Aug-2015 02:32:44 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2017 00:28:58 by Ice



Posts: 1,435 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How do we decide?

Applicants are evaluated on the basis of a number of factors, including recent activity, historical experience gains, play style, and responses to the application questions. Once your application has been posted, it will be reviewed and you will be notified of our decision within 24 hours by a post in the this thread.

Probationary Month

The main purpose of the probationary month is to determine whether or not new recruits will be a fit for the clan - and allows you to determine whether we are a fit for you. We aim to see people gain as much experience as possible - generally speaking a good marker to aim for is 40m experience.

The second half - and much more dynamic - is whether or not your behavior sees you fit into our community that we have established. We are fairly relaxed in this regard, but extended misbehavior can result in a failed probation.

Keep in mind that probation runs for the full month regardless of your experience gains, but this does not stop you achieving rank ups or participating in clan events.

What can I do to maximize my experience in probation month?
- Warbands (Daily) 11m XP/month, 10 minutes/day
- Book of Char (Daily) 4m XP/month, 2 min/day
- Divine Yews (Daily) 3m XP/month, 10 min/day
- Tree runs (Daily) 7m XP/month, 10 min/day
- Guthix Caches (Daily) 4.5m XP/month, or 12m XP if also using boost. 12 min/day, or 50 min/day if using boost
- Jack of Trades T4 (Daily) 1.5m XP/month, 2min/day
- Runesphere (Daily) 2m XP/month, 10 min/day
- Daily Challenge (DG>Rc>Craft) 12m DG XP/month, 5 min/day
- Sinkholes (Daily) 9m XP/month, 20 min/day
- Meg (Weekly) Varied XP lamps, 1 min per week
- Agoroth (Weekly) 40k BXP in 2 min
- Tears of Guthix (Weekly) 60k XP in 5 min
- Troll Invasion (Monthly) 70k XP in 5 min
- God Statues (Monthly) 260k XP in 5 min
- Giant Oyster (Monthly) 280k XP in 5 min

Total: 53m XP
Efficiency Experts - 600M+ Total XP - Join Now!

05-Aug-2015 02:32:49 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2016 23:10:53 by Ice



Posts: 1,435 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
CC and general rules


1. Do not spam the CC. Spam is considered the excess repetition of a word, term or phrase.

2. Do not lock the clan chat without a respectable reason. If the clan chat needs to be locked, please announce your action within the clan chat.

3. Do not interfere with your clanmates' XP rates. Do not kill clanmates (orange dots) at PvP dailies such as Warbands/Goebiebands. If you are involved in a team fight, target white dots and not clanmates.

4. Leaking of clanmates worlds is not accepted (Warbands, seasonals, etc.)

5. Do not crash your clanmates (PvM, Slayer, skilling locations like Hunter/abyss, etc.)

6. No trolling. You are expected to act in a well-mannered and mature way in both clan chat AND when representing your clan outside (at divine locations, in another clan's CC, on forums, etc.)

7. Abusive behavior towards your fellow clanmates will not be tolerated. Mild humor and banter is accepted if it is not overly offensive or contain excessive profanity. Do not flame people.

8. Discussion of the sale of Warbands supplies and GP swapping should be taken to PM and kept out of the CC.

9. Please avoid topics involving religion, politics, or hate speech. Avoid overly vulgar language (racist epithets, sexist terminology, etc.)

10. If you are asked by ANY clanmate to stop whatever you may be doing (that may be offensive towards ANY clanmate), please do so.

11. Do not lure, scam, or harass any player, regardless of whether they are in the clan.

12. Please keep all conversations in CC to English.

13. If you have concerns about people in the clan (regarding vulgar behavior, scamming, botting, etc.) feel free to speak to any keyrank about it.

14. If a keyrank asks you to speak in PM, please do so to avoid CC drama.
Efficiency Experts - 600M+ Total XP - Join Now!

05-Aug-2015 02:32:54 - Last edited on 07-Apr-2017 04:58:41 by Ice



Posts: 1,435 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ranking rules

1. Do not kick your clanmates. Contact a keyrank with any issue you may have so they can help resolve the issue quickly.

2. Only keyranks may derank clan members.

3. Although rank ups are generally done by keyranks, you may rank people up to General as long as they have the required experience.

4. If a person has been deranked from their original rank by any keyrank, please do not re-rank them unless given permission by a keyrank.

Avatar warden rules

1. Avatar wardens are responsible for calling their avatar. You must call your avatar (world AND location) when asked.

2. Avatars that benefit more than one clanmate with 6% prioritize over others (for example, bank avatars over slayer or abyss).

3. Do not log out or lobby for an extended period (i.e. more than 5-10 minutes) with the avatar.

4. Our home world is world 140. Please communicate with other avatar holders to ensure an avatar resides in our home world.

5. If you are doing a click intensive/mousekey skill, you may have another clan member call the avatar for you, however if they fail to do so, you will be the one punished.

6. Holding an avatar with an alt account is only permitted if it is for activities where it is more beneficial to have a familiar (e.g. divination, prayer, summoning). Even so, if others can benefit from a 6% avatar bonus that warden still holds precedence.

7. No one person has more avatar rights than another clanmate (only in regards to individual activities; group activities outweigh all else).

8. After a certain amount of warnings towards a warden who does not call or use the avatar appropriately the job will be removed. It is possible to re-earn this job.
Efficiency Experts - 600M+ Total XP - Join Now!

05-Aug-2015 02:32:59 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2017 00:30:18 by Ice



Posts: 1,435 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Temporary avatar warden rules

1. Clanmates ranked Lieutenant or higher (150m+ Clan XP) may receive avatar warden rank temporarily if there are avatars available to grab.

2. Temp ava holders must follow all the avatar warden rules listed above.

3. Temps must give up the avatar to members with a higher rank when asked.

4. Temps will be deranked after dismissing the avatar, unless otherwise approved by a keyrank.


If a clan rule is broken, the offending party will usually be given a strike by a key rank. Three strikes within a 90 day period will result in a kick. If a new member receives two strikes in their 30 day probation period, this will also result in a kick.

We keep track of strikes on a spreadsheet. You will be notified if you receive a strike through PM.
Efficiency Experts - 600M+ Total XP - Join Now!

05-Aug-2015 02:33:04 - Last edited on 13-Jan-2017 14:30:30 by Ice

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