1. To continue onto the application you must have read the clan rules on the first page of this thread. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules?
I have and I do.
2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Were you referred by anyone to apply? If so, who?
Just can't find a high level clan that is active and just fun to be in. Friend name Trim Zwei talked about E.E and at first I was hesitant but I decided to apply and hopefully join.
3. How many hours do you play per week, on average?
Ranges from 1-4 hours on a workday, 4-6 hours on saturday and sunday. I think on average I play 20 hours a week
4. Do you speak English fluently?
Yes. I'm Dutch, but really developed my English as a kid, mainly by playing Runescape. Still learning new things every day.
5. Do you use TeamSpeak? Would you be interested in using the Efficiency Experts server?
I do, and I will surely hop on every so often.
6. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. (Dailies/routines/skills you train and how you go about doing them efficiently.)
I log out every day at Daemonheim with 50 vis wax and Ring of Kinship + Aura 4 equipped. I log in and do my extended Dungeoneering daily and sinkhole(s) if it's around xx:30hrs. I'll do my Reaper and a farm run. Then I'll do some slayer or work on comp reqs. I don't really like spreading my exp gains. I prefer to train 1 skill for a longer period rather than train 5 in the same timespan.
7. What are your current goals on RuneScape? What type of methods do you plan to use to achieve these goals efficiently?
First is 120 Slayer (Eventually 200m), just slay whenever I can. Second is Comp cape. I have only a few reqs left, and whenever I have time I make progress towards it. Third is 120 Summoning. Bought 150m in Summoning supplies for BXPW. Planning on using them all. After that I'll PVM/Slay for the money and spend it on Summoning supplies.
Thanks for reading
07-Sep-2016 21:26:03
- Last edited on
07-Sep-2016 21:27:05