1 ) i agree to the rules and agree to follow them.
2 ) i am looking for a clan that i can make friends in and skill and fight with, and is happy to help with anything if possible. i was refered to join efficiency experts by my long time frind Netty.
3 ) the amount of hours i play a day differ from week to week depending on my work schedule. but on a good week i can play 40+ hours a week, Netty has seen me play and skill for 18-24 hours a day for a week.
4 ) i speak only english.
5 ) i have used teamspeak before and i still have it installed on my computer, sure i can have the server info.
6 ) a typical day for me for the time being is to do a herb run for bloodweed to make my aggression potions, i train slayer to work towards getting 120 defence and 120 slayer and i use the illumination aura every day after reset, and after 120 defence i will be working on 120 strength after that. and how i do that efficiently is i use aggression potions now that theyre out, and id use the clan avatar, with bonus xp if i have it and i use the illumination aura every time i can use it.
7 ) my current goals on runescape are to get 120 defence and 120 slayer, slayer is my main focus, then after 120 defence i want to get 120 dungeoneering. and i am also working on getting some more skilling pets, i have the divination pet so far, and eventually get 120 strength. i get my xp efficiently by using he illumination aura and use bonus xp, and avatar buff. i use potions to help me with gathering or killing more efficiently.
MAVERlCK pvm fc
29-Aug-2016 22:22:31
- Last edited on
29-Aug-2016 22:27:46